Welcome to the Cursillo Movement of Green Bay

In today's world can Christianity penetrate the many areas of secular life? Can it live there? Can it grow there? Can it transform the world in a way that is more fruitful than the past and in keeping with the times? The Cursillo Movement thinks so. It proposes no new type of spirituality, but simply a method through which one's spirituality may be developed, lived and shared in any area of human life where there are Christians willing to dedicate their lives to God in an ongoing manner. The method is introduced by a little course.

1 piety2 study3 action

What is Cursillo?

Cursillo (pronounced kur-see-yo) is a Spanish word meaning "little" or "short course". It begins on a Thursday evening and ends the following Sunday night. During those three days those attending live and work together listening to talks given by priests, religious and laity. They share the Eucharist and pray together.

The titles of the talks indicate their content: Ideal, Habitual Grace, Layperson in the Church, Actual Grace, Piety, Study, Sacraments, Action, Obstacles to a Life of Grace, Leaders, Study of the Environment, Life in Grace, Christianity in Action, Total Security and Fourth Day. Each talk is followed by a discussion period.

The Fourth Day

The "after" activity of the Cursillo is known as the "fourth day". During this time perseverance is important just as it is in any method of renewal. In the Cursillo Movement the community spirit is continued after the three days through the "ultreya" or reunions of the community. These are available on a regular basis as a means of growth in understanding and zeal within the Christian community. Reunions of smaller groups of friends are also available in order for them to encourage one another in spiritual improvement and the Christian apostolate.

Upcoming Activities

2/11/2025 Secretariat Meeting, 7:00 PM
St. Nicholas Parish, Freedom

2/15/2025 Day of Enrichment, 9:00 AM
St. Edward Parish, Mackville

3/27-3/30/2025 Men's Cursillo Weekend #269
St. Nicholas Parish, Freedom APPLICATION

5/1-5/4/2025 Women's Cursillo Weekend #270
St. Joseph Church (Quad Parishes), Green Bay APPLICATION