Cursillos in ChristianityDe Colores. My name is Olivia Obregon and I am the current Lay Director for the English Cursillo here in the Diocese of San Bernardino. If you are a Cursillista (a person who has experienced a Cursillo three day weekend), you recognize my greeting – De Colores. But if you are visiting our website for the first time, my greeting to you may be a little strange. De Colores is the Cursillista’s way of addressing another Cursillista with a term that recalls our Cursillo way of life. Colores in Spanish is an expressive word depicting many colors. De Colores is a recollection to a Cursillista of the many colors we see in daily life, and in that we see God portrayed in all the natural wonders of His creation. A Cursillista sees God in every aspect of their life, and more importantly in the living presence of all of humanity. So with this in mind I say to you, De Colores! Many persons throughout the world, our nation, and even our Diocese have chosen to live out their Christian and Catholic lives using the tools explained in a three day gathering we call a Cursillo Weekend. Cursillo means courses. Courses in what, you may ask? Courses in Christianity. Why Cursillo, and not anything else offered by the Catholic Church? Cursillo is a movement with the Laity in mind. Just a regular person trying every day to be the best person they think God wants them to be. But frequently recognizing that we miss the mark and find ourselves starting all over again, or perhaps just giving up all together. Cursillo recognizes the struggle the Christian person encounters in the Christian walk. Wouldn’t it be great to learn a way in which a Christian can turn their lives for the better by applying what is explained in these courses? Cursillo helps us take those certain parts in our lives piece by piece, then replacing all those missing pieces with Christ. Recall the scripture story from Jeremiah18: 4 – “And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel.” Later in this chapter it reads, “Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.” The Potter which is God, discards that which He never intended for us. Christ gives us a new start and a new opportunity, a life in which Christ is a constant companion, visible in the Community of Cursillistas sharing the same Ideals and determination to live their lives for Christ and others. I hope I have given you something to think about. If you wish to know more, please contact me at the email below. Cursillo is a subject I am always happy to talk about as it has enriched my life for the better. Our next scheduled weekends will take place on: June 21 through June 24, 2018 for the Men I hope you are able to check out our website for further information. Or you can also visit the National Cursillo website at My email is for you to contact me to answer any questions you may have and to offer further information regarding our upcoming Cursillo Weekends. May the Peace of Christ reign in your heart, fill you with joy, and bring others into your life to share the love of Christ to you. De Colores! |