
Recent books available at the National Cursillo Center

Eduardo Bonnín – 100 Years Biography Mentality

About Cursillo

The purpose of the Cursillo is to make it possible for everyone to live what is fundamental for being a Christian and to empower individuals to become Christian leaders in their own day-to-day environments. It seeks to awaken the spirit of faith in our Catholic community.

Cursillo (pronounced cur-SEE-yo) is a Spanish word meaning “short course.” Everything that is done in terms of the Cursillo methodology and purpose has the so called “Fourth Day” as its end objective. Those wishing to become part of the Cursillo community usually learn about it from other members of the Movement through the friendship of their sponsor (Pre-Cursillo). The next step is to attend a three-day Cursillo weekend, which commences on a Thursday evening and ends on Sunday afternoon. The weekend provides an understanding of basic Christian truths, awakens and strengthens a desire to live the Good News in our environments, and shows a way to continue through Christian formation and fellowship. The weekend includes daily Mass, a series of fifteen talks given by people who have previously made a weekend, visits to the Blessed Sacrament, meditations and good old fashioned Christian fellowship. You will learn, laugh, and possibly cry, but you will never forget these three days. After completing this three-day weekend journey, we begin what we call our “Fourth Day”, which is the rest of our lives.

The Fourth Day is designed to increase and continue the process of progressive conversion and the living out of what is fundamental for being a Christian (a process initiated during the three-day Weekend). The Cursillo Movement has, from the very beginning, taken the responsibility for providing a community for those who become part of the Movement. It is within this community where they will be understood, helped, and motivated to grow and share their Christian life together. Cursillo is able to accomplish this through Friendship Group Reunions and Ultreyas.